Madison East Side Homes Under $150K

Here's the homes just listed on Madison's East Side for under $150K.

More under $150K homes for sale on Madison's East Side.

East Side Madison home under $150KHomes in the range of $125K to just under $150K are going to surprise you on Madison's East Side. Typically they are well maintained homes that average three bedrooms and one full bath. Of course some have two bedrooms and you will actually find a few with four bedrooms, but generally speaking three is average. You can expect these homes to be in the 50-75-year old range but keep in mind that homes were built pretty well in those days and many if not most of these homes have been updated and upgraded through the years.

These homes are reasonably sized for their price.

The surprising thing about these homes is that they are not tiny. One way to measure the size of a home is the finished square feet above grade as this roughly defines the footprint of the house excluding attached garage space. The average above grade finished square feet for East Side homes up to $500K is 1,371. The average in the this price range is just a little over 1,000 square feet. So smaller yes: but not enormously smaller!

When you start exploring the under $150K price range you will be delighted to know that as of this writing there are over 60 East Side neighborhoods that have homes in this range for sale. That gives you a tremendous diversity of neighborhoods and locations to choose from including areas like North Gardens, Sherman Village, Mayfair, Kingston, Lake Edge Park and Heritage Heights to name several. So if you are looking for very affordable housing on Madison's East Side…you are going to like what you can find for under $150,000.
