Homes just listed in Madison's La Follette High attendance area.
More homes in the LaFollette High attendance area.
One of Madison's four major high schools and two East Side high schools, LaFollette High School is located at 702 Pflaum Rd., Madison, WI 53716 east of Lake Monona. The school serves over 1,640 students and is fed by Sennett, Badger Rock and Whitehorse middle schools. The school is well known for its outreach programs to include students who can no longer attend during conventional school hours. It is also a major ESL (English as a second language) school. These two factors tend to mitigate LaFollette's lower than average ratings.
LaFollette's attendance area includes Madison's Far East Side and parts of the City of Fitchburg, as well as the Town of Blooming Grove and Town of Burke.
LaFollette High School Area Homes in All Price Ranges
There is a great diversity of prices in this area for all budgets and the median list price for a home is $199,900. There are about 50 East Side neighborhoods that typically have homes for sale for under $200K in the LaFollette High School area and these would include neighborhoods like Jacob & Barker, Glendale, Lake View Place, Door Creek, Baxter Highlands, Rambling Acres, Eastmorland, Emerald Hills and Indian Springs.
If you are looking for a LaFollette High School area home for $200K and up, there are over 25 neighborhoods that will run from $200K up to million dollar luxury homes. Start your search in neighborhoods like Waunona, Richmond Hill, Heritage Heights, Quinn Ranch, Olbrich Park, The Meadowlands, Reston Heights, Eastridge Trail, Lost Creek, Liberty Place and Rolling Meadows to name a few.