On the market in the last two months.
See all active listings from $275K up to $300K.
The market for Madison West Side homes in the under $300K price range is always strong. Here we are looking at homes that range from $275K to just under $300K. Understanding that the median price on the West Side is about $255,000 these homes represent the first step above the median. In the newer offerings you will typically see open layouts with eat-in kitchens and solid surface counters and islands, a quality grade of cabinets, hardwood flooring and carpets. Often you will find finished and partially finished lower levels, some with walkouts and many with ample exposure to outside light. Almost all of these homes will have attached garages. Look for homes like this in newer neighborhoods like Cardinal Glenn, Ice Age Falls, Linden Park and Pine Hill Farms to name a few.
Older Homes have their own special charm.
Older homes in this range are typically very solidly built homes with three and four bedrooms, separate dining rooms and living rooms. Here you will encounter more unattached garages, but attached garages will still be more common. These homes often have finished lower levels but you may not find quite as many walk-outs as with the newer construction. Still, these homes definitely have their charm with wood-burning fire places and mature landscapes with tall trees and established lawns. When this is the type of home you are seeking, some of the neighborhoods you will want to explore include Faircrest, High Point Heights, Orchard Ridge and Sunset Village. Of course the older subdivisions vastly out-number the new subdivisions so you will find homes in this price range throughout Madison, Middleton, Fitchburg and beyond.